Side Effects of Anavar – Androgenic Anabolic Steroids (AAS)


Bodybuilding and losing stubborn fat is a goal of many. In order to achieve that goal, people tend to opt for multiple ways to aid their journey and process. 

Along with intense workouts and dietary supplements, people also go down the lane of steroid consumption.

To be honest, there are steroids that indeed prove to be very helpful in such cases but they all are accompanied by side effects one cannot ignore even if they want to. Anavar, or Oxandrolone, is one such anabolic steroid that is very popular in the fitness realm. 

However, like every other steroid, it also comes with its own set of side effects that one should strictly consider before starting with their Anavar dosage.

The blog here gives a thorough description of the steroid Anavar and counts its side effects in detail. Furthermore, moving forward we'll also look into ways to combat these side effects and see for ourselves if they prove to be efficient or not. So, let's jump right into it and know about Anavar first.


What is Anavar?

Anavar is a type of drug that comes under the group of androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS). First produced in 1964, Anavar was known by the name of Oxandrolone and was introduced to be used precisely for medical treatments only. 

It primarily helped in the regrowth of muscles and weight gain in case of certain diseases that cause unwanted weight loss along with catabolic disorders such as certain cancers, Turner’s syndrome, and HIV/AIDS.

Even though it was going well and good, the production of Oxandrolone stopped in 1989 due to the revelation of its side effects. However, later, in 1995, the drug Anavar was re-released under the name of Oxandrin with necessary precautions. 

One of those precautions was to restrict Anavar for medical purposes only. Even after that, there are people out there like bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes who still take the drug and go through the Anavar Cutting Cycle to gain lean muscle mass and strength whilst overlooking the palpable side effects.


Anavar Side Effects

Overdosing on anything can be pretty troublesome and we all are aware of just how overdosing on drugs can turn out to be. 

Like every other steroid, Anavar comes with its own set of side effects as well, which may prove to be highly dangerous for health. Some of these Anavar side effects include:-

 Liver and Kidney Toxicity

When the body registers Anavar in its system, both the liver and kidney try to regulate the substance. Now, even though Anavar is a mild steroid, it stresses these organs which can lead to their toxification and damage.

 Disbalance in Cholesterol Levels

As mentioned above, the liver and the kidney try to metabolize Anavar into usage. Along with causing toxicity, the injection of steroids lowers cholesterol levels to dangerous levels because of the stimulation of hepatic lipase in the liver.

 Heart Diseases

The lowering of HDL levels and the increase of LDL with the consumption of Anavar increases the risk of heart disease or even strokes. Furthermore, Anavar can cause heart arteries to harden, known as atherosclerosis, or even cause sudden cardiac death.

 Testosterone Suppression

Since Anavar deals with anabolic activities, its consumption suppresses the natural production of Testosterone. The hormone plays a very important role in sexual performance and therefore, its limitation can cause sexual dysfunction. 

  Anxiety and Depression

A person who is overdosing on Anavar is bound to face problems in psychological health like mood swings, anxiety, and depression. The steroid affects the neurotransmitting system of the brain and disbalances the secretion of happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine.

Along with these, other side effects of Anavar also include acne and skin problems, blood disorders making the blood get thicker, blood pressure disbalance, Thyroid dysfunction causing inflammation, Infertility due to testicular atrophy (shrinking), Hair Loss, mood swings, headache, vomiting and more. 

It is important to learn to avoid and fight these side effects if one wants to keep themselves out of danger.


How to Overcome Anavar Side Effects?

One easy and obvious way to combat the side effects of any steroid, be it Anavar or others, is to decrease their dosage. Overdosing is the root cause of any problem and therefore, you must find a way to limit their consumption.

Another way to help the side effects is to do regular physical exercises and have a balanced diet along with the dosage. This allows the body to maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels which helps with a number of health issues.

Furthermore, people also go for the usage of safe alternatives to anabolic steroids that are available in the market. You can easily find safe alternatives to Anavar and enjoy the benefits of the steroid without having to face its side effects.

Therefore, with the help of these ways, one can combat the Anavar Side Effects or any other anabolic steroids.



The usage of steroids has become fairly common in the fitness realm. Among those, Anavar is an anabolic steroid that is the most popular of them all. 

It plays an important role in building muscle tissues and promoting muscle growth and strength. However, like every other steroid, Anavar also has its fair share of side effects for which it was even discontinued until later when it was re-released.

Reading the blog, we learned about these side effects in detail. We got to know that Anavar can go around from having minimal side effects such as headache, nausea, or pain to causing severe health issues such as liver toxicity, thyroid dysfunction, heart issues, and whatnot. 

Moving forward, we learned about what to avoid when taking Anavar and the ways to combat these side effects of Anavar by taking some crucial precautions. Taking these into consideration, one can attempt to use the steroid safely.


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