An Ultimate Guide to Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) | Crazy Bulk Supplement Reviews

POST CYCLE THERAPY for bodybuilding

This is probably one of the most important thing you need to dive into when running either a cycle of AAs or pro hormone cycle only if you want to keep that hard earned gains you have obtained through your cycle.

In order to make it all worthwhile, you need to start you bodies natural hormonal systems. However, many people underestimate PCT and thinks that it is a bad thing but it is fruitless when not followed properly. Thus, it is very important to understand what PCT is before you start it.


PCT or post cycle therapy, is typically a process which starts when steroid cycle lasts, consisting of supplementation with various drugs to help control your levels of estrogen, normalize testosterone level and speed up recovery time.

When someone takes AAS, their natural production of testosterone gets suppressed and if you don’t watch out for the normal levels of estrogen and progesterone levels they can go wild causing serious health problems like gynecomastia or high blood pressure.

Thus, the main objective of PCT is to regulate the natural production of testosterone which helps in keeping the gains made during a steroid cycle and keeps you healthy and fit.

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Mainly, PCT works to deliver optimum results and maintain all the gain you have made during your steroid cycle but few things you need to keep in mind that:

PCT will not treat damaged HPTA through the misuse of AAS.

Also, PCT only helps to restore testosterone production but does not bring it back to normal level
After running your steroid cycle, PCT works to stimulates your pituitary to create more LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) resulting in the activation of testicle to create more testosterone. It is this simple.

Meanwhile, when PCT is implemented, it slowly increases testosterone in your body to help your body function normally. In this way, it shortens the recovery time and makes your steroid cycle successful.

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As a matter of fact, PCT starts at the end of a steroid cycle and lasts for several weeks. However, the duration depends on the steroid cycle itself and on its duration as well. In fact, I you skip implementing a PCT after steroid cycle, it may take a year or more to stimulate testosterone production, in worst cases, it may even fail to regulate it.

Post Cycle Therapy Options

No doubt, there are number of number of products available in the market for PCT but only few of them work effectively. Among them, the best PCT supplement to recommend is Crazy Bulk PCT.

Crazy Bulk PCT is all-in-all complete solution to detox and clean the body from toxins, combats oxidative stress and cut down the production of destructive free radicals caused by intense workouts.
This PCT is natural, safe and potent. It helps preserve your gains and enhance the results obtained after strenuous workout. Moreover, it protects your body from stresses of like as well as intense training.

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